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附录 D

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附录 D
Appendix D

Timeline of Diablo:

  • 苚ns ago The Beginning: The Great Conflict also begins.
  • -990 Izual attacks Hellforge and falls to the dark hordes of chaos.
  • -985 The dark demonblade Shadowfang is created.
  • -490 The rise of Man.
  • -480 The Sin War begins.
  • -40 Inarius descends to the mortal realm and begins to construct his cathedral.
  • -30 Inarius lays siege to and destroys the infernal temple of Mephisto.
  • -25 The forces of Mephisto defeat Inarius and his followers, laying waste to the cathedral and surrounding countryside.
  • -10 The mage-clans of the East begin to form.
  • 1 The Vizjerei become the largest and most powerful of the clans. Other major clans are the Ennead and the Ammit.
  • 240 Horazon and Bartuc rise to the fore in the Vizjerei mage-clan.
  • 250 Bartuc turns against the Vizjerei, becoming known as the Warlord of Blood.
  • 510 The Dark Exile begins with the overthrow of the Three.
  • 515 The Three cause strife and chaos in the Mortal Realm. Ravaging of the East for centuries.
  • 520 Civil war in Hell.
  • 1005 The three soul-stones meant to imprison the prime Evils are given to members of the eastern mage-clans.
  • 1010 The Horadrim Order unites wizards from the many mage-clans.
  • 1145 Mephisto and Baal captured in soul-stones and buried beneath the desert.
  • 1025 The Horadrim pursue Diablo into the West.
  • 1050 Baal is imprisoned with Tal Rasha.
  • 1100 Jered Cain's Horadrim troupe captures Diablo in Khanduras.
  • 1120 The Horadrim dwindle in numbers.
  • 1140 The Horadrim begin to fragment back into individual mage-clans. There is feuding and bitter rivalry among the clans
  • 1145 Mephisto relocates to the Eastern Capitol.
  • 1180 The rise of the Western Empire of Westmarch
  • 1230 Zakarum, the Religion of the Light takes hold in the West
  • 1240 Leoric becomes King of Khanduras.
  • 1245 Leoric and Lazarus use decrepit Horadrim monastery at Tristram as HQ. Lazarus' will is dominated by Diablo: Lazarus releases Diablo from the Soulstone
  • 1246 Albrecht becomes the physical focus and incarnation of Diablo's power. War between Westmarch and Khanduras breaks Leoric's army. Lachdanan revolts against Leoric.
  • 1250 Diablo is "defeated" by a great hero beneath Tristram, and the hero sets off for the East. Note: Between 1240 & 1245 the Hellfire Story (link to the Hellfire Tomb of Knowledge) does take place

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