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为暗黑FANS提供最客观的资讯…… TTBN.Com.Cn
作者:暗黑联盟 · 更新:2009/11/9 · 收藏本文 · 【字体:






Diablo3 fans:

      Etymology: French talisman or Spanish talismán or Italian talismano; all from Arabic t?ilsam, from Middle Greek telesma, from Greek, consecration, from telein to initiate into the mysteries, complete, from telos end — more at telos

      1 : an object held to act as a charm to avert evil and bring good fortune

      2 : something producing apparently magical or miraculous effects

      Ok, so what seems like a pretty long time ago, bashiok said somthing about the " super secret talisman" have we heard anything else about this or is it still just as super secret? it seems like he mentioned it 2 maybe 3 times then never mentioned it again. I figure this is possible because A) it's still super secret B) it's been scrapped, or C) it's been revealed and i missed it

      Anybody have any idea what it is?

      By the definition i found it seems like it would have a similar function to charms in d2......(an object held to act as a charm to avert evil and bring good fortune)..... but that doesnt seem like somthing they would hold as a super secret.... I could also see it as some way of imbueing items with buffs.....something producing apparently magical or miraculous effects.....

      Shed some light or share your thoughts if you wish....  


      We've never said anything about it because it may not even end up being a feature in the final game. It could just get cut. 


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