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[蓝贴] 暗黑破坏神3中的团队协作复活机制

TTBN.Com.Cn | 为暗黑FANS提供最客观的资讯……
作者:暗黑联盟 · 更新:2009/12/15 · 收藏本文 · 【字体:

Diablo3 fans:





Diablo3 fans:

      Discussed via twitter at twitter.com/diablo

      Interesting they took the reagent away. This would have some definite Team PVP utlity if it ends up being instant, and if they have team pvp.

      Also I understand it gives players another chance vs. the one hit kill bosses we see in the demo, so it would make sense to have it as an instant, right? So you don't get beat down by the boss as you are casting the res.

      In Team PVP 2v2:
      Team 1 Barb partner dies
      Team 2 Wizard predicts a res from the team 1 monk, does a Blizzard effect over the dead Barb's body
      Team 1 Monk ressurects Barb
      Team 1 Barb instantly dies to blizzard as he is being ressed

      Sounds like fun times.


      Yeah it's always been instant, the reagent was removed for other... requirements. Which may change, so we're going to keep that a secret for now.

      One of the great things about transparency into the development process is that there's a lot of info we can share. The drawback is that development and changes sometimes move at a pace where information becomes outdated, and unless you're willing and able to stay on top of all info releases, it can be more confusing than helpful. You have a group of players following the game and each one has different knowledge depending on when they happened to read forum threads/twitter/facebook/fansites.

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